Easy Investing That Pays
Canadian Mortgages Inc. (CMI) provides a compelling alternative to traditional stock and bond assets in investment portfolios. Whether you are an individual or a corporate investor, the CMI MIC Family of Funds provides a way for you to access Canadian real estate markets and take advantage of economies of scale that may not be available to you as an individual.
How MIC Funds Work
Investors pool their money by buying shares in a company called a Mortgage Investment Corporation (MIC). The MIC invests these funds in mortgages that generate a yield through interest payments and fees charged to the borrowers. This yield produces monthly cash flow for its investors.
3 Distinct MIC Funds To Meet Your Investment Needs
The CMI MIC Funds are designed to meet the needs of a broad range of investor profiles. Our portfolios invest primarily in first and second residential mortgages in traditionally strong, stable real estate markets across Canada. Managed by a team of experienced mortgage and investment professionals, these funds are well-diversified across geographic regions, borrower and mortgage types, all of which are 100% secured by collateralized real estate. Overhead and carrying costs are kept to a minimum in order to lower fees and maximize returns.
100% RRSP, RRIF, RESP, LIRA and TFSA Eligible
As a leader in private lending, Canadian Mortgages Inc (CMI) offers retail and private investors access to investment assets that are eligible for inclusion in registered retirement plans (RRSPs) and Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs).
Elevate Your Returns
- Target yields from 7% – 11%
- Monthly dividends
- Portfolios 100% backed by property
- Interest rates allow for predictable cash flow
- Strong stable Canadian real estate market